Since Facebook introduced the Pages to there site, Millions upon Millions have been created. And it doesn't seem to be slowing down. This section show the Tips And Tricks to help gain the most fans you possibly could. Weather you are about to create one or just gain more fans from you previous one.
1, Post a Status Update
Advertising your page on your own status is probably the
best way to get the first few likes as your friend are
most likely to be willing to help you out by being the
first people to like it. As the first likes are the hardest
to get this can help you establish a small fan base as a start.
2, Upload Photos and Tag Popular Pages in it
Uploading a picture, then tagging your competition in them. This can help you by showing people that are already fans of curtain pages that there are alternatives. Increasing the brand awareness.
3, Install a Facebook Like Box on your Site
Bringing more people to your site and in turn to your page. With some CSS styling you can embed the like box seamlessly into you site or blog.
Facebook as a form which allows to change the style slightly from the width/height to the type you want
4, Suggest Email Contacts
Facebook allow you to suggest upto 5000 email contacts. If they are already members they will be sent a fan request else they will be sent a link to your page with the option to join Facebook. If you can get hold of a email list, then the possibilities are endless.
5, Suggest your Friends
Suggesting your friends should be used carefully because you don't want to lose friend over your page. I know how annoying it is when I receive countless of page requests daily. So I suggest that you only use this feature once.
6, Email Signature
Every time you send a email out you have the potential of driving more people to your page by adding a signature. Just a small link at the bottom of the site or maybe a html rich signature. But bare in mind that some spam filters can force you email into the spam folder if it sees you as trying to push a product.
7, Get Business Cards
This tip doesn't use the web to help promote your page, However its just as powerful as online marketing sometime more so. Just imagine how many people you bump into on a regular basis, or in a given day, this gives you the potential to gain more likes. Some online business card vendor only charge small amounts of money. as little as £1.99 for 500 card, this is up to 500 new like. its a small price to pay.
8, Using the best Profile Picture
I have seen many pages that struggle to get many fans because the profile picture is generic. You need to make yours stand out from the rest, leaving a lasing impact.
9, Comment on Blogs and Websites
Even though Google wont rank your page any higher in there search results by commenting on blog, due to the
fact that most Blog owner use the nofollow attribute when they link to your site.
ie <a href="yourfacebookpage" rel="nofollow">Your Facebook Page</a>
stopping Google from thinking that blog is endorsing you.
But still this enables you plenty of link backs to your page
10, Talk and Blog About Your Page
Do some Blogging about your page, write some epic articles which Google will rank well giving you the ability to get fans from Google. Also talk about your blog on your page this will give users that are just browsing your fan page the ability to learn more about it.
11, Get People to Join Through SMS
Send a text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words "fan yourusername" OR "like yourusername" (without the quotes).
ie Text like yaknivek 32665
This is a good idea to put it on your business cards.
12, Use the Promote Post Feature
Once you reach 400 fans you can you the promote feature Which bumps post higher than they would normally appear in peoples news feed. This can be used from your page or from you own account. If you choose to promote from your page, more of your current fans are likely to like/share the post.
13, Signature in Forums
If you have a dominance in any forum this is a good way to start getting many fans. by putting a forum signature linking to you Facebook page you are naturally going to get more fans. Try using Please follow me at my: Facebook Page as more people are likely to click it rather than Facebook Page or Yaknivek
14, Advertise Your Page
This section is pretty much the same as the promote post part, but advertising helps pages get ahead start as they are shown on the main page in the ads section. You set you own budget, start small and see it you get any more, if you don't i would refrain from using the service again.
15, Know Your Audience
After you gain more than 30 likes, Facebook enable you to look at the insights of your page. Get to know this well and study it. Know when more users are mose likely to share you content, will help you grow your page.
16, Connect Your Facebook Page With Twitter
Connecting your page to Twitter is an excellent way to convert your twitter followers into Facebook fans. Using this strategy will cause all of your posts to be sent to twitter, with a link back to the Facebook version of the post.
17, Make Sure Your Webpage Allows Facebook Commenting
Allowing Facebook commenting is a great way to engage your web viewers and gain more brand awareness. When somebody comments on a page, Facebook place a note on there news feeds (that's if they allow it.) This can gain many many new fans.
18, Use QR Codes
With the amount of smartphones that are around nowadays, we shouldn't ignore it. Make it easy for the people you have connected with in person to connect with your Page. Creating a QR code is easy and free at sites like Kaywa and QRStuff. Use the link for your Facebook Page and you have automatically created a QR code that you can add to the back of your business card. This way people could scan the codes with there smartphone and instantly connect with your page.
19, Watermark Your Images
Watermarked images are a way to bring people to your site even if your not the one displaying the image. There are plenty of people out there that use other peoples images to save time creating one there self or because it looks good, if you enter your logo in the corner people will instantly know were the image was created.
20, Word of Mouth
Word of mouth doesn't start itself.
We have too give it a helping hand get people talking about your page. Mention it everywhere.
Just be careful that to much product placement can be considered as spam.
21, Like This Page
By liking this page it will show your friends that increasing fans on your page means alot to you. This may encourage your them to share your page on your behalf.
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